Code for vibrate the android mobile using cordova
The following codova plugin is used to control the vibration in android mobile. This can be set the time of vibration and cancel the vibration. cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration Screen shot: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'" /> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"> <title>Vibration Test</title> </head> <body> <center> <input type="button" value="Vibrate 3 sec" onclick="vibr3();"...