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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2016

How to create a dummy postback in asp.net using javascript/jQuery?

     Some situation user need to trigger the postback dynamically from client side using javascript or jQuery. In this situation you can follow this method. Asp Button <asp:Button ID="dmypbbtn" runat="server" OnClick="dmycall" style="display:none;" /> javascript code document.getElementById("<%=dmypbbtn.ClientID%>").click(); jQuery Code $("#<%=dmypbbtn.ClientID%>").trigger('Click');      When you trigger the click function like the above format, the server side dmycall method will call with serverside postback.

How to pass argument with onclick event in asp.net?

     We can pass the argument to onclick serverside function using CommandArgument attribute like below. Asp Code    <asp:Button id="bid" CommandArgument="456" runat="server" OnClick="passvalue" /> serverside code (.cs)     protected void passvalue(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)(sender);         String testval = btn.CommandArgument; //Returns 456     }

How to pass multiple arguments in onclick event in asp.net c#?

     We can pass the arguments(values) to onclick serverside function using CommandArgument attribute. Here we send the value using the same way of single value passing, but every values are separated by comma and from serverside we can split into unique data value. Asp Button    <asp:Button id="bid" CommandArgument="456,Rajesh" runat="server" OnClick="passvalue" /> serverside code (.cs)     protected void passvalues(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)(sender);         String fullvalue = btn.CommandArgument;   //"456,Rajesh"         String[] args= fullvalue.Split(new char[] { ',' });         int mark = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);   //Returns 456         string name = args[1];   ...

Glowing text using pure css and html

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     The following animation created using pure css and html code no javascript. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

How can I find dynamically trigger or native change from function?

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     If you want to know if the dropdown change function is calling from human click change or call on dynamically change. You can use the following example. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement