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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2016

How to create webview and load html code into that WebView using android java

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     This post shares some useful information about the WebView. We will see how to create a new WebView and how to load a html code into the newly created WebView in android. In the previous post we saw about creating WebView in android studio. In case if you missed it  please click here WebView is a view that display web pages inside an application. We can also specify html string and can show it inside your application using WebView. WebView turns your application to a web application. To load a html code into a WebView use the following code Code to load html code directly into WebView String html = " < html > < body > This is the test webview < / body > < / html > " ; String mime = "text / html" ; String encoding = "utf - 8" ; WebView myWebView = ( WebView ) this . findViewById ( R . id . myWebView ) ; myWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, html , mime , encoding , nu...

Different image for focused,pressed and normal state in android button

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     In this tutorial we are going to learn about the android button and every state (pressed,focused and normal) of an image when placed on that button. 1) First create a new project in android studio more details... 2) Remove the TextView code from activity_main.xml , create a button in your project by using the following code or tools. < Button android : layout_height = " wrap_content " android : layout_width = " wrap_content " android : background = " @drawable/btnhome_new " /> Note:      In the above image you can see an error @drawable/btnhome_new . This is because the program contains the file btnhome_new.xml   on drawable directory, which is not yet created. 3) Now we are going to create a file btnhome_new.xml  on drawable directory.    a) Right click on the drawable directory  => New => Drawable resource file      b) Now a file is opened  btnhome_new.xml just remo...

How to set multiple images in a loop javascript?

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     In the following javascript code is used to create the html img tag dynamically and append it to the specified div in a loop. Create Image tag using javacript       Usually we are directly create the html tag in the html code, but if you want to create this img tag dynamically you can follow the below code.    var img = document.createElement("img");    img.src = "http://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/logo_plain.png";    var src = document.getElementById("elementid");    src.appendChild(img); Set multiple images in a loop      If you want to add only one image, you can follow the above method. If you want to append more images dynamically you can follow the below method. Example Program:- (Editor) Editor is Loading... Output:- Advertisement

Create first webview in android studio

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      Webview is a tool in android studio and it is used to load html or website to mobile, through this we can easy to create the android application through html,css and javascript code. 1) First create a new project in android studio more details... 2) Open activity_main.xml file under the layout folder. 3) Copy the following code to the activity_main.xml < WebView xmlns : android = " http : // schemas.android.com /apk/res/android " android : id = " @+id/webview " android : layout_width = " fill_parent " android : layout_height = " fill_parent " />      When you add the code to activity_main.xml you can see the preview by clicking Design. 4) You must set internet permission in AndroidManifest.xml. Open AndroidManifest.xml file and enter the following code. < uses - permission android : name = " android.permission.INTERNET " / > 5) Open MainActivity .java file and modify it by the below steps.        a) ...

How to create new project in android studio?

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1) Open Android studio, then find the File  option from the menu bar and go to New => New Project. 2) Now one new dialog box is open and ask the project details Application name, Company Domain and project location. Application name       No need to enter unique name compare with playstore, this name is displayed under the application icon. Company Domain       It must be unique compare between the google play store (If you created the name and the same name already in playstore it won't show any error message, but in publishing time it will show a error). Project Location       It will automatically take the previous project path, if you want the same path no need to change it, or you can change. 3) Then press Next button      In this window select the minimum target SDK ,wear, TV, and Android auto. Minimum SDK      Here you can select the minimum required android os version. Wear      ...

How to set the SDK, NDK and JDK path to android studio?

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If you want to set the SDK path  directly you can set it to in local.properties like below sdk.dir = D \:\\ Program Files \\ Android Studio \\ SDK If you want to set the NDK path  directly you can set it to in  local.properties  like below ndk.dir = C \:\\ android-ndk-r12b-windows-x86 \\ android-ndk-r12b We can set the path by selecting folder by using the below method. After open the android studio press C trl+Shift+Alt+S